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1. Plan Your Project

Determine Compatibility

Evaluate Energy Needs

Get Permits

Check Incentives

Prepare for Safety

Lay Out Materials

Once you purchase your system, check to make sure you have all the required equipment, including the following:



Charge controller

Electrical wiring components

Energy meter (optional) 

Heat sink


Mounting hardware 

Photovoltaic panels

Racking system 

Gather Your Tools

You’ll need these tools and products:


Chalk line

Drill with bits

Electrical wiring tools

Metal cutting saw

Pencil or marker

Roof sealant  


Tape measure

Wrench set

2. Install the Racking System

With preparation covered, you can now begin the installation. Start with the racking system, which you’ll fix to your roof to hold your panels in place. Measure the space you have on your roof, and then arrange a solar panel design on the ground that fits within the allotted space.


You can use chalk lines to create a guide for yourself on your roof. Install the racking system on your roof according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Seal any holes you make in the roof with roofing tar or silicone caulk.


3. Install the Panels

Connect your solar panels to the racking system using your kit’s supplied clamps to hold them in place. Then, wire each panel to the adjacent panels.


4. Install the Heat Sink

A heat sink isn’t required, but it’s highly recommended. A heat sink reduces the heat your panels generate and helps increase energy efficiency. If your panels don’t have a built-in heat sink, install an external one according to manufacturer instructions.


5. Install the Charge Controller

The charge controller sends out electricity. Install this between your panel array and where your solar battery will go so electricity can flow through the system and into your battery.


6. Install the Solar Battery

Any excess energy your system doesn’t need right away can be stored in a battery bank for use during low-sun times, such as storms or nighttime. If you have more than one battery, you need to wire the batteries together. This then needs to be connected to the charge controller.


7. Install the Power Converter

The power that comes out of your panels and batteries is direct current (DC) electricity. Your home is powered with alternating current (AC) electricity. The power converter turns a direct current into an alternating current to be used by your household wiring. Install the power converter before making the connection to your house. 

8. Install the Energy Meter

You don’t need an energy meter. However, many systems come with one so you can see how much electricity your system is generating and how much of it you’re using. If your system doesn’t come with an energy meter, you can purchase one separately and install it according to its manufacturer instructions. 


9. Set Up Electrical Wiring and Complete Inspection

Double-check all wiring before connecting your system to your house. Ensure your system is grounded at the PV panels. You need to have a city inspector come out to check that everything is set up correctly. 


10. Connect to the Electrical Panel

Once an inspector approves your system setup, you can wire the power inverter directly into your electrical panel following device instructions and turn on your system. If you’re connecting to the power grid, contact your local utility company, show proof of inspection approval, and get connected. From there, you’re ready to enjoy using renewable energy.

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Shangxia Solar delivers PV products, applications and services to promote global sustainable development.

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