Savings on energy: The most direct benefit is that you can gain the opportunity to power your own home outside of the electrical grid. That saves you money, and if you generate extra power, you might even be able to get credit on your bill from the electric utility via net metering. The average payback period for solar panels is six to 12 years, according to some sources.
Solar is an abundant power source: According to the US Department of Energy, just one hour of noontime summer sun meets the annual US electricity demand. Depending on your situation, turning it into electricity can save on your electricity bill.
Help with your home value: If you plan to sell your home down the line, having home solar panels can be a major perk to buyers and can help increase your home's value.
Going green: Since solar is a renewable resource, you can shrink your carbon footprint.
Independence from electrical grid failures: Some areas have electrical grids that are less than reliable. If you experience frequent power outages in your area, your own solar power can keep the lights on.
Power your campsite: Some small solar panel arrays fit right onto RVs, or you can take them camping so you have electricity, no matter how remote the location.
Intelligent solar energy solution provider
Shangxia Solar delivers PV products, applications and services to promote global sustainable development.